I haven't posted in over a year. As you may have guessed from the title of the post, 2017 has been a big year for the Naylors! I've really been slacking with the blogging because life has been so crazy, but in the past few weeks I've been referring back to the blog a lot to remember details about when Olivia was born and look at her old baby pictures, and I realized how important it was to have a little diary of this whole time, so here I am!
On October 12, 2017 we welcomed our new baby boy, Lucas Reid. As Olivia says approximately 15 times a day, "Brother's so cute!!"
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Lucas Reid Naylor, 7 lb 10 oz, 20" long, born 10/12/17 at 8:03 am |
Because I had a c-section with Olivia, we opted for a planned c-section with Lucas. I was due on 10/17 and a lot of people (my dad included!) didn't think I'd make it to the date of my surgery. I was actually having some pretty regular contractions the day before while we were out running errands and the morning of the c-section we could see them on the monitor. My doctor said - this is why we do these early! Here's me the night before:
Since it's the last time I'll ever be this large (god willing!) I even took a bare photo of my belly. I feel like it looked bigger in person. In reality, I didn't gain much weight at all with this pregnancy because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at the end of my second trimester. Turns out that low carb diet really works, and I literally gained half the weight that I did with Olivia.
Here's the morning of our delivery. Always looking fashionable in those scrubs. Despite the smile, this is the point in time where I started freaking out a little. Even though I knew what I was in for, it was still pretty scary going in for surgery again.
The c-section went off without a hitch and we got to hang out with Lucas while they stitched me up. I love these first pics of Andy and me with our newest family member. Lucas came out so calm. He cried for a few seconds and then spent the next several minutes quietly looking around. He loved the warming table they put him on and the second I went into the recovery room, he nursed for about an hour (and pretty much hasn't detached since - ha!). I swear he hardly cried the whole time we were at the hospital. A nice change from Olivia who screamed pretty much non stop from the moment she was evicted!
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Lucas, me and Andy's hand. The look of pure bliss on my face is 50% from meeting Lucas, and 50% from heavy narcotics. |
My mom stayed with us for about a month and was a huge help around the house! Here she and Olivia are meeting Lucas for the first time:
Andy had the honors of changing pretty much all the diapers in the hospital. He handled it like an old pro, except there are some new challenges with changing a boy.
Olivia got to hold him on one of her visits to the hospital (we stayed four days). About three seconds after we took this picture she said "I'm all done holding brother!" Oh well...
Here are a few of the five thousand pictures I took at the hospital:
Headed home! About to start the new adventure as a family of four for real!! Welcome to the party, Mr. Lucas!
I'm going to try to be better about posting from here on out. I have some catching up to do! I may even post some really old stuff that we missed like our trip to Hawaii last fall to fill in some of the gaps.