Sunday, October 6, 2013


On Saturday night we headed out to a local Oktoberfest celebration with some friends. I didn't really know what to expect except that, of the many many Oktoberfests around Anchorage (hey, when the weather gets colder, people like to drink), this one was put on by the German Club and was the "most authentic." Sold!

Having been to the "real" Oktoberfest, I have to say that there were many authentic elements to this one (which was celebrating its 47th year!)

Long tables, lots of blue and white.  Check!

Beer in steins.  Check! (They had full liter and half-liter.  We purchased half-liters, so that my full liter Hofbrau stein which I borrowed in 2001 and now have on permanent loan from the brewery in Munich could have a little friend.)

Polka band and people in lederhosen and dirndln.  Check!

These adorable little children played the bells.  They were so good!

And these guys did a choreographed dance with a wooden bench and a girl in a dirndl who did about as much choreography as the wooden bench.

We enjoyed the beer immensely (it was actually Spaten, despite all of the steins being from Hofbrau).
The food was really good, too.  They had schnitzel, two kinds of wurst (including weisswurst, ugh!), sauerkraut, potato salad, and of course, giant pretzels.  Side note: have you ever noticed that most German food is generally a shade of beige?  I think that means it's extra-nutritious.

Ann's brother Lee joined us.  He just moved back up to Alaska after going to college and law school in Montana, and now works at the federal courthouse right down the street from Ann and me.

Lee bought Ann a tiny German hat.

Here's Lee's friend Dave.  His beard is epic.

The kids call pictures like this a "selfie."  How do teenage girls take pictures one handed with their cell phones?  I had to have Andy push the button while I held the phone.  We're amateurs.

Our friend Jen, who is also our vet, came out with us too.  I didn't get a picture of her, which she's probably happy about.

Eventually everyone had enough beer to hit the dance floor and do the chicken dance.  Even Steve!

Here's Andy demonstrating the moves.  Beak:


Tail feathers (he's shaking it so enthusiastically, he's blurry):

The final step is clapping, which I didn't photograph, but you can probably use your imagination.

We ended up shutting the place down and staying out WAY past our usual bedtimes.  We had a fantastic night full of great friends, great food, and great entertainment, most of which was provided by Ann towards the end of the night and which Andy even has captured on video, but I will not share with you because I want her to keep being my friend.  :)

Happy Sunday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I bought the same little German hat as your friend at the not so authentic Oktoberfest in Monroe! Oh the silly things a little beer will make you think are totally necessary!! :-)
