First things first, here's a belly picture from today. Andy took some with my face in them, but he should have told me I needed to go put on some makeup to make myself presentable (also, I may look 9 months pregnant in the belly, but I continue to look about 12 months pregnant in my face. Not. Cute.), so all you get is the belly.
This is the same shirt I was wearing in my 30 week picture. Notice a difference??
The seams on this shirt are going to give way any day now. Oof.
So I'll catch you up on the past weeks' goings on. Two weeks ago I was having a lot of pain on the right side of my back. I initially just thought it was one of those pregnancy things, but after trying tylenol (which doesn't work for anything and is a totally pointless medicine if you ask me), getting into different positions, and putting a heat pack on it, nothing worked. Finally around 7pm on Sunday night, we went to the hospital because we thought it could even be labor. They checked me, said I wasn't in labor and then sent me home. About an hour later, I was throwing up and spent all night up sick and in total agony. In the morning we went to the doctor and she immediately admitted me back to the hospital. After 2 days of IV fluids (so much that I gained EIGHT pounds), antibiotics and painkillers, I was as good as new. Nobody was able to get an official diagnosis, but they believe I had a kidney infection. The one major silver lining to all of this was that we got super familiar with the hospital and the staff in the labor and delivery unit and they gave me the room with the nicest view. Check it out!
So that had me down for a few days, and then it really took me about two more days after getting out of the hospital to feel totally normal (well, pregnant normal) again. But I'm fine now! And the baby didn't suffer any negative effects from the incident because my body continued to prioritize her, which is probably why I got so sick and dehydrated.
Last week I hit the 37 week mark, which was my doctor's goal for me. She said with the baby being so big, as long as I got to 37 or later, she'd be fine with me having the baby early, so of course we started thinking it could happen any time. Obviously, as of now I hit the 38 week mark and I'm not really showing any major signs of labor, so she seems to be perfectly content to camp out for the time being. At least it's given us a chance to do some absolutely last minute things in the baby's room...
We decided to order the little changing table attachment for the dresser. When we got the "non slip" changing pad at the store, it was sliding all over the place and for $20 this seemed like it would help keep everything secure. Also, it matches.
And we hung the mobile finally. We ordered a mobile arm from Amazon, but it was awkward and didn't work out how we wanted it to. When I returned it, Amazon didn't even want me to send it back, so if you're in need of a mobile arm, let me know and I'll give you one! We ended up just hanging the mobile from the ceiling using fishing line and hooks left over from the bird project. I also threw sheets on the crib and got the sleep sheep ready for use. We're all set!
We've also been occupying ourselves around the house and doing a little nesting. As I mentioned in a previous post, we finally got around to getting some artwork framed. All of these are things I've had sitting in a closet for over a year so I'm happy to have them on the walls now.
My nuthatch picture (this is why I can't take belly pictures in front of the red wall anymore. Oh, and yeah, the walls are still red. Looks like we'll be living with that one for awhile...)
This pretty picture of ravens by a local artist that Andy got me for my 2012.
And this really cool paper totem print I got in Juneau when I went there the first time in March 2013.
We've also been spending a lot of time in the garden, which looks awesome right now!
We have a giant light purple lilac bush that's about 10 feet tall and comes up right under our bedroom window. This whole section of the yard smells incredible!
Another lilac around the corner of the house. Darker purple and bigger flowers, which actually smell even more than the giant one.
We even have pink lilacs coming out, but they're slower than the others.
My planter boxes are finally filling out...
Even the chives are blooming!
This is my arctic kiwi vine, which is blooming and looks much better than it did last year!
True to form, the rhubarb is taking over the world and is already enormous. Time to get eating!
The garden continues to come along slowly. My lettuce is doing well, but the beets, carrots, and chard are JUST now popping up. I'm trying to be patient (this is the story of my life right now) and to remember that this time last year it had just started to get nice out. I also went to check on the blog and I didn't even plant my garden until June 4 of last year, so I'm about a month ahead of where I was before. I guess I can cut the beets a little slack for only being an inch tall now.
We even went on a little in-town adventure this weekend to the new Cabela's, which is actually right down the street from us. I should have taken more pictures in the store, which is kind of ridiculous in that it's filled with a whole lot of outdoor gear and dead animals (soooooo many dead animals), but I will admit that the store was pretty cool to walk around in for an hour or so.
They gave us a really good parking spot, which I appreciated with my 9 month waddle and the fact that the parking lot was almost totally full since the store has only been open for about two months.
They have a gun library, which we had to go look at because approximately 3,000 square feet of space AROUND the gun library was also full of guns, so it seemed like the gun library had to be something special. It seems like that's where they put the fancier guns based on my extensive expertise of firearms.
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Note the dude in the foreground in camo. He's demonstrating Alaska's idea of business casual. He's a LITTLE fancy for a Saturday at Cabela's to be honest. |
So now you're all caught up with the Naylors. Since the baby is continuing to gain weight, I'd definitely like her to make an appearance sooner rather than later (we both thought that Friday the 13th and Father's Day would be excellent birthdays, but no such luck!), but I know she will come when she is good and ready. We can't wait to meet her!
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