Just a quick post to say we're all still alive and kicking! The amount of free time I have to blog has been significantly reduced since going back to work, but I'm going to keep writing! Today I thought I'd give you all a glimpse into my daily routine as a working mom with an infant.
Yes this is me hooked up to my pump! So glamorous! I'm in a tiny room in my office building that I think was thrown together as a total afterthought once my boss started asking about where I was going to pump. This used to be a shower room but all the plumbing has been removed (except for a sink) and I think this whole room was slated for demolition (they are slowly remodeling all 19 floors of my building) until I got pregnant. My own private suite!
There is even some nice artwork:
Seeing a robin fighting a magpie makes me produce more milk for sure.
This is how I generally feel when I am in this room 3-4 times a day:
Sometimes I do close my eyes for a few minutes. It's the only alone time I get these days!! Most days though I'm just farting around on the Internet. Sometimes I do work, but I don't generally do a lot that isn't computer-dependent, so I just sit in here and pray I am not using up all my data watching cat videos on YouTube.
Little Olive is settling into her routine too. Right now she is sick which means nobody in the house is getting any sleep (except when I'm in the pumping room!). This was especially evident when we popped over to daycare at lunch today to visit her and saw this:
It looks like she is just practicing some tummy time, but upon closer inspection...
Totally asleep!! Poor baby. Hopefully she kicks this cold quickly and things can get back to normal. I don't think I've slept for more than three hours at a time since last Wednesday (usually it's about 60-90 min at a time) and I'm scared that one of these days my little cat naps in the "pumping room" will turn into me disappearing for an entire day...not that I would complain!
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