It's getting to be that time of year when there really isn't much that you can do outside - especially with a baby. Sadly, it's driving poor Ripley crazy because even when it was freezing out, we'd be up for long hikes and other adventures on the weekends, but I don't know if I can physically bundle Olive up enough to feel comfortable with her outside for long periods of time when it's 20 degrees (or colder!) outside. Poor Ripley. All of this means that we have to work on expanding the things we can do inside.
We've always loved the Anchorage Museum, but it's become a new favorite spot since we became parents. A couple of weeks ago we went to the museum to check out an exhibit called "Brick by Brick" featuring some awesome LEGO creations. Here we are posing outside with the funny armless animal statutes and our new hats! (Olivia and I went to the South Anchorage High Holiday Bazaar with Ann and her mom the day before and bought some awesome stuff!).
I think it was 25 degrees outside - I didn't want to wear a coat because it's really hot carrying Olive in the Ergo inside the museum, but maybe I should have sucked it up and paid 25 cents for a locker so I could walk the three blocks from my parking lot to the museum without trying to get frostbite... |
The museum was a big hit! Olive was alert pretty much the whole time and even took a nap at the end so we could have lunch at the fantastic restaurant there. Good baby! Last time we visited there it was when Andy's mom was up and Olivia had a meltdown before we could eat.
We're adorable. |
The LEGO exhibit was awesome!
As someone who absolutely must follow the directions to a T when making something with LEGOs, it's pretty awesome to see what creative people can do with them.
An umbrella...
Creepy Skulls...
Various human forms...
A pretty awesome dog!
But I think my favorite was the dress! Isn't it amazing?!
My cell phone pictures just don't do it justice |
All in all, it was a great day! And because this post was low on adorable baby pictures (which I know is the sole reason that most people, at least the grandparents, come to the blog anymore) here you go.
Hanging out in her bouncy seat, which she loves. |
Bath time! Her favorite time of day. Someone is going to be a swimmer like dad! |
She even likes tummy time these days! |
Our poor baby has been sick with daycare cold number 2 of the season this past week or so. We finally took her into the doctor because it migrated to her eye (not pink eye thank god!) and we found out she had ear infections, which is probably why none of us have been sleeping for the past several days. Hopefully this clears up quickly!
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