Olive is 8 months old! How exciting!
I haven't posted in awhile because we've been plagued by sickness in the Naylor house over the past month, and here, when Olive doesn't feel good, nobody feels good. We constantly try to remind ourselves that this means she won't get sick as often once she's in school, but after our third trip to the pediatrician's office in less than a month, it was getting real old. Luckily, today anyway, she's feeling great!
Olivia is, as usual, just a completely adorable, wonderful baby. Her little personality is coming through (along with her red hair!) and she's so fun. Everything is a new adventure for her and she loves seeing what she can get into (and away with...more on that later).
That look of love and adoration...is it for mom or dad?
It was for Ripley, her BFF.
She also loves the cats. The feeling is less than mutual.
She's making developmental leaps and bounds by the day it seems. Just a few days ago she was having a really hard time getting food from her high chair tray into her mouth. Today, she's mastered the pincer grip like a pro!
MMM BROCCOLI!! She still loves to eat. Avocados, acorn squash, and pears continue to be her favorite, but she just tried broccoli for the first time today and we may have a new winner. I love that she doesn't seem to really dislike anything (yet).
And now, about that whole "getting into trouble" thing. Olivia's been rolling for months now, and generally uses it to get where she needs to go. For the most part, she gets there, just slowly. For a while we thought she might skip crawling altogether...until she discovered the magic bowls.
Yes...the magic metal bowls. They're especially great because, for some reason, mom and dad really don't want her playing with them - even though Ripley gets to play with them ALL THE TIME.
Well, it turns out these magic bowls provided just the incentive she needed to finally work out the mechanics of crawling. Check out this video!!
Here's her official bunny picture. We've got the sitting totally down now, to the point that it's her favorite way to hang out. I think we're done lying next to the bunny and comparing size that way.
And, to compare...
What will the next month bring? I've got my money on standing/cruising along furniture...she's already doing it with some assistance, but as her legs strengthen from crawling I think it will be her favorite thing to do! Also, I feel like her first word is right around the corner. She has loved to babble for months and right now her favorite is DADADADADADADADA. I told Andy it counts as "Dada" when she stops saying it in response to him, Ripley, the cats, everything she sees out the window in the car, and literally everything else she comes into contact with.
She is SO CUTE!!!!!