It was HOT and sunny all weekend, so we made the most of it and spent some time exploring around the area. On Saturday (after I decided to do significant damage to the bumper of our new car by cutting it too close backing out of the garage...GRRRRR), we drove up to Mirror Lake north of Eagle River to check out the sights. It was packed and people were even swimming!
Olive wasn't too sure about the lake, but Ripley loved it.
She got excited once she discovered throwing pebbles.
This is about how far she made it into the water.
After the lake, we went to the store to buy Olive a helmet that fits her (it's the "universal youth" size which is supposed to fit school aged children, so that's awesome) so she could ride her bike outside. She pushed it around the driveway a bit and then enjoyed making me push her around in the yard. My back hurts.
On Sunday we drove up to Girdwood to go hiking. We actually didn't decide to stop in Girdwood until we were almost there as we were headed to Portage, but we thought it could be a fun change of pace.
We tried to do this hike in the winter, but it was super icy and I forgot my boot spikes, so we didn't make it far. The hike starts just behind the lodge at the Alyeska resort where the ski lifts begin.
The hike is mostly flat, really well maintained, and full of scenery you don't get much in Anchorage because the trees are SO much bigger in Girdwood. The hike actually goes through the northern most rainforest in North America!
Olive really likes the new backpack we got at REI during the sale this year. Totally worth the money for her (and us!) to be more comfortable. I didn't really notice the extra weight too much yesterday, but I am really sore in the legs today. Good workout!
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Talkin' about fireweed. |
In awe of nature. I love it!
After a bit in the pack, she wanted to get out and walk around. Or just twirl a little.
Big trees!
Exploring the forest.
It's fun to stomp on the boardwalks!
While the hike is mostly in dense forest, there were some clearings with really pretty views. It rains a lot in Girdwood (rainforest) so it was so nice to enjoy a sunny day there. This reminds me a lot of the Olympic Peninsula in WA (also full of rainforest).
After about 2 miles. we finally reached the creek. There's a bridge that I'm not sure you're supposed to use. We opted out and stuck to the trail.
Ripley braved the water for a drink.
We continued along the trail and got to a cute little bridge that passed over a waterfall.
On our hike I said it looked like a Disney-designed waterfall. The rocks and moss and everything looked almost fake - just too perfect and beautiful - as if someone asked a set designer to make a forested waterfall for a movie. This is Winner Creek.
At the end (of the hike we did anyway) we came to a big canyon with a hand tram crossing the river. If you feel brave, you can get into a tiny metal cage and ride to the other side. They had a couple guys there helping pull people back and forth, but Ann has done this hike a lot in the past and said that usually you have to do it yourself. I think the guys were there because it was pretty busy and it would take some people forever to get themselves across. The pictures do not do it's pretty scary in person. I definitely would not do it with Olivia on my back. A bunch of people at the tram thought we'd also try to take Ripley across, which is just mean considering it's literally a metal cage with a mesh floor. Below is Glacier Creek.
After you cross the gorge, you can walk another mile or so and connect to the place where we went gold panning with Nick and Miranda a few years back at Crow Creek. Lots of fun things to do in Girdwood!
On the way back, I got pretty tired of carrying the backpack, mostly because I was sweaty, but I did get invigorated after seeing this vaguely obscene tree burl. Olivia was not impressed.
After the hike and the 30 minute drive home, Olivia took an awesome nap and when she woke up she helped me bake banana bread! Check out the adorable outfit/gear my parents got her for her birthday. Anytime I ask her to help me do anything in the kitchen now she has to get her stuff on.
Setting up ingredients...
Helping mom measure.
She was really patient, which is not the norm for her. I was so proud! She even mixed everything.
The bread is delicious. I forgot to get pictures before we hacked into it, but Olivia has been excited to have a new treat around the house and I'm happy I got rid of my many frozen black bananas.
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