Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Recap

Yes, okay, I know it's already January 1, but since we went right back to work after Christmas, I didn't get a chance to post about our holiday.  Like last year, it was really low key - just the two of us and the animals (okay, I guess the baby was technically present, but (s)he only enjoyed the same activities that I did, which may have included a nap or two.

We got up early and took Ripley for a walk, then opened presents right away.  Andy went overboard with me this year!

First, I got this new duvet cover and pillow shams from West Elm.  Aren't they pretty??

This is obviously not my bedroom.  We don't have a headboard - what do you think we are, rich people? 
Too bad it spends most of its time now covered up in a blanket to try to protect it from the herd.  It helps knowing that it's under there though, and it's about 100 times better than the slightly shiny one we got at Fred Meyer when we bought the king size bed four years ago.

I also got this camera lens:

It is especially good for taking pictures indoors (and will be excellent for taking pictures of the baby) but has all sorts of other great applications.  Now that we have this one, the kit lens, and the telephoto(ish), we're pretty much set.  Andy also got me some photography books so I can work on my skills.  I spent most of the afternoon taking pictures of the animals.

On top of those, I also got some spikes to put on my boots so I don't fall on the ice (these would have been extra nice when winter first hit, but I'm sure we'll have more icy days ahead), and some fleece pants.  What a nice husband!

I didn't get Andy a pile of gifts - I just got him one thing:

But to be fair, it was a pretty big (also small, though) thing.  We had an old first generation iPad that Andy used all the time, but that was having a hard time doing basic functions like not crashing when opening up basic websites.  I had told him that there was no way he could get a new iPad, but I caved when I found a fantastic Black Friday deal.  He was surprised and I think he loves his present.  

Andy's parents surprised us with tickets to see West Side Story when it comes to Anchorage later this month.  

Andy's parents were season ticket holders for the Performing Arts Center when they lived here, and Andy talks about his great memories of going to shows when he was younger.  We have literally talked about buying tickets to four separate shows but then never actually did it, so we are really excited for this night on the town! 

In my family we draw names, and my sister drew me.  I got an excellent whisk and a new glass measuring cup from her and the promise that most of the stuff is on its way from their home in Austria. Since they still haven't arrived as of today, along with all the maternity clothes she was sending me (which I am SUPER excited about!) I think some postal employee is currently enjoying all the fabulous things she got me and the wonderful comfort that maternity pants have to offer.  This is probably because I never give a present to the mailman.  Is this a thing that people do?  I'm sure they're on their way and I'm excited to have a second Christmas whenever they do get here (and for more maternity clothes...did I mention I'm excited for maternity clothes?).

My mom drew Andy and sent him a ton of awesome and much-needed outdoor gear including new snow pants and pants for snowshoeing/cross country skiing (if we ever get skis), new socks and a new hat.  He has literally worn at least one of the items every day since he got them and they are great.  

After we opened presents, we hit the kitchen to make a Nielsen family traditional Christmas breakfast - Ebelskiver! Ebelskiver are Danish pancakes that you make in a special pan.  My whole life we always had them on Christmas morning and this year my Grandma sent us our own pan to use.  Equipped with the secret family recipe, but unfortunately not Dad's hands-on instruction (Ebelskiver making has always been Dad's domain, but thankfully he gave us a couple of last minute pointers on skype), we went to work.

First you pour the batter into the little cups and wait until they cook on one side.  

And then, through the use of magic (and possibly some swear words when you can't get them to turn), you flip them over and they make perfect spherical pancakes.

This first batch was a little darker than I like, but we quickly got the timing down to an exact science and promptly made (and devoured) several dozen with syrup, applesauce, and powdered sugar - just how I like them.  Since I couldn't stop eating them, I think the baby enjoyed them, too.  The Danish genes have clearly been passed on!

We then spent the rest of the day in a food coma (don't worry, we ate more later), on the couch watching movies.  We always watch the same movies every Christmas: Love Actually and Die Hard.  I know that Die Hard doesn't SEEM like a Christmas movie, but it really is.  Also, I enjoy the continuity of watching two movies with Alan Rickman and like to think that Bruce Willis dropped him off of the Nakatomi Towers for not giving the necklace to Emma Thompson.  

So that's it! Christmas 2013! It was a good one.  Hope you all had a great Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

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