Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life with a Newborn

It's hard to believe that Olive is already almost three weeks old.  Where does the time go? We've been operating on very little sleep here in the Naylor household - little miss still has her days and nights mixed up, so forgive me if this post is big on pictures and small on writing.  We're all still in the "getting to know you" phase of things and somedays I think we're just hanging on by our fingernails! 

Despite the sleeplessness and all the chaos going on, I've been trying to take as many pictures as I can.  She's so cute! 

Olive really enjoys being naked.  Getting her naked is the best way to get her to tolerate a photo shoot.

She's been having longer periods of alertness during the day. One would hope this would translate into more sleep at night, but we aren't that lucky yet.  She makes the best faces though...

The weather has been nice and we've had the chance to spend some time out on the deck enjoying the sunshine.

Ripley LOVES his baby.  Or the fact that her face is constantly covered with leftover milk.  Let's pretend he just loves her.

My dad came up last week to meet Olive for a WAY too brief visit.  He seriously is the baby whisperer - able to put her to sleep with some sort of magic or voodoo - and I would like him to come back up and take over the night shift please!

We've also been good about going out on little adventures around town.  It helps with the cabin fever and ensures I take a shower every once in awhile to keep myself somewhat presentable.

Good thing Olive likes her car seat! We're still working out the kinks on the baby carrier so for now this is how we leave the house.

We visited the South Anchorage Farmer's Market...

...Potters Marsh, to check out the birds...

...and we even got some culture at the Anchorage Museum.  She slept the whole time, so we'll have to save the art lessons for another visit.

In other exciting news, Olive's cord stump fell off this past week which means she can take a "real" bath now.  Boy, is she happy about this development!

Phase one - warm water = happy.

Phase two - Meltdown.

Phase three - recovery mode.  Phase three typically also involves peeing on something.  Note the ADORABLE chicken towel.  Thanks, Auntie Lauren!

Okay...I am hearing the evening meltdown.  Time to go relieve Andy!

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