Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's a...

On Friday we went in for our anatomy scan and we found out the baby's gender! We'd both been waiting for this point because we've been calling the baby "it" for months now, which is a little weird, and we'd also been at a total impasse when it comes to boy names.  Girl names were easy for us - we had our top pick and a couple of solid back ups on the list just about the day I found out I was pregnant. As for boys, we just couldn't get there.

The ultrasound went well - it looks like everything's totally normal with the little one, who's checking in at a whopping 9 ounces already and has been wiggling up a storm most days lately.

Sadly, the pictures weren't great because the baby just wouldn't cooperate.  The head was WAY down, which made it difficult for us to get any great views.  You know how some people get those perfect profile pictures and maybe even a little hand waving?  Not us.  Our child is clearly stubborn.  Already.

These are some of the better pictures sadly.
The ultrasound tech tried a couple of 3-D pictures, but said when 2-D isn't great, 3-D won't be much better.  You can tell in these though why the profile isn't very clear and it looks like the baby has four noses:

Yes, someone's a little camera shy!  Also, I know it's my baby and everything, but the 3-D pictures will never stop being creepy.  Look at this next one - it definitely just looks like an alien.  Is that a hand? A claw? It was really funny as the tech went around and said "here's the baby's stomach, here's the baby's kidneys..."  I'm glad he knew what he was looking at, because I was at a loss.

In the end, even though the little one was being super camera shy around the head, there was no modesty displayed when the tech got to the crotch!

It's a GIRL!!

Sadly, I do not have any pictures from the magical time when the ultrasound tech displayed our daughter spread eagle on the big screen for all in the room to see.  She was clearly not shy about that part of her body! While we're sad that we didn't get better pictures at the ultrasound, we're extremely happy that she's healthy and progressing just as she should, and we're even happier that the pressure is off to find a boy name (though we may think up a couple in the slim chance we all missed something). Now it's time to shop!!! 

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